A volunteer is any person who, of his or her own free will, provides services to an entity with no monetary or material compensation, on a continuous, occasional, or one-time basis.

As a volunteer, you are responsible for representing yourself to the entity or organization for which you are volunteering. Therefore, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that will bring honor to you and your community. To do that, please abide by the following while volunteering:  

  • Observe local, state, and federal laws.  
  • Speak and act in a responsible, courteous, and respectful way.  
  • Do not deviate from the instructions you are given by the entity or organization.  
  • Act responsibly to maintain a safe environment for other volunteers and participants.  
  • Refrain from using tobacco products. Possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.  
  • Respect all property, facilities, and equipment.  
  • Dress appropriately for the task per organization’s expectations. This includes facial coverings.  
  • Use mobile electronic devices only in a manner that is consistent with the approved activity and is not discourteous or disruptive.  
  • You are responsible for managing your own risk to ensure your own safety and well-being.  
  • Finally, although your volunteer work is independent from the university, actions that violate the University of Florida Code of Conduct may still result in conduct proceedings. 

Volunteer service is not considered time worked and should the service be performed during your normally scheduled work hours, accrued leave must be approved by your supervisor and reported. 

You are fully responsible for yourself, your transportation safety and costs, and your conduct. You are responsible for any injuries or damages you may experience or that your conduct might cause, while travelling to and from a service site. 


UF’s role is that of a facilitator helping to connect you to opportunities. 

Prior to the volunteer service date, it is suggested that you contact the organization to confirm the identity of the individual that will be supervising volunteer services, confirm the location of the volunteer check-in site and finalize any volunteer service requirements, such as appropriate clothing, whether a picture ID is required and any COVID-19 related requirements. 

International students and scholars with F or J visas have extremely strict regulations about employment, which can include volunteering. Please visit our International Student Volunteering Guidelines page for more information. 

Students, faculty and staff can log hours through our online form.