There are many opportunities to volunteer within the community, both on an on-going basis and single day services events. You can search for agencies and learn more about the volunteer opportunities available.
Step 1: Find an Organization. You can view and search the full list of participating organizations below. Organizations are listed by category and alphabetical order. Special event and board service opportunities are also listed separately. Please note, there are many more ways to support the community than listed on the website. These are suggested organizations that have availability for this semester either virtually or in person.
Step 2: Contact the Organization. Contact information for the agency volunteer coordinator is included in the agency listing. You should reach out to organizations directly to schedule volunteer hours. Please be sure to identify yourself as a Gator volunteer when you contact the organization!
Step 3: Make an Impact. Use your time and talent as a Gator Volunteer to further the mission of these organizations! Be the Gator Good!
Step 4: Be Counted. Register the time volunteered to help show the impact Gators have in the community.
For more information about Gators Volunteer, faculty and staff can contact the UF Office of Community Relations at (352)392-4567 or email gators-volunteer@ufl.edu. Students should contact the David and Wanda Brown Center for Leadership & Service at 352-392-1671 or email bcls@ufsa.ufl.edu.
Volunteer Responsibilities
A volunteer is any person who, of his or her own free will, provides services to an entity with no monetary or material compensation, on a continuous, occasional, or one-time basis.
As a volunteer, you are responsible for representing yourself to the entity or organization for which you are volunteering. Therefore, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that will bring honor to you and your community. To do that, please abide by the following while volunteering: